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Life of a Roguess
Wednesday, 06 October 2010
Emmy @ 13:37 - Link - comments (2)
[SIZE=7][COLOR=red]Well, I did it. No more Honor, but a weight has been lifted. It has been so nice not to worry about a guild. Although, gettin Alloran to take the armor back he bought for the guild is bein a pain in the you know what. I guess I will have to sell it on my own and then get the plat back to him some how. As for joinin another guild, I don't know what to do about that. It seems I'm not awake as much as I once was so I will have to wait and see how that goes. I did get to spend some time with the rogue today, so I am real happy about that. He did get me to level also, which I'm still decidin if I like that or not, we'll see how the trainin goes to gettin me to 60.[/SIZE][/COLOR]